Parenting Course
I was trained to deliver this parenting course by the NCT (The National Childbirth Trust) for the UK government and have been running 3 courses a year since 2013.
Each course lasts 9 weeks and sessions take place on Fridays from 10am to 1pm, at my house in Queen’s Park. The focus is on the 0-5 age group. In general, participants are first-time parents, but I've had several second-time parents attend, who say they have found the course very helpful. You are welcome to attend with your baby; the recommended age would be from around 2 months up to approximately 9 months. I’m afraid that I can’t accommodate babies who are crawling, or toddlers.
This course offers the opportunity to explore theories and techniques that will help you to become a more confident, more relaxed parent, and to develop skills that will help your child grow into a happy, confident, secure, independent and adventurous adult.
£300 per person - maximum of ten participants
Please note: due to the pandemic I am unable to run the parenting course at the moment
Some of the topics we explore
Week 1: How to create a supportive home
Week 2: Infant brain development
Week 3: Being the parent you want to be / Secure Attachment / How to encourage cooperation
Week 4: How to talk so everyone is heard/How to help with feelings
Week 5: The power of play: understanding play and learning
Week 6: Encouraging independence/autonomy
Week 7: Alternatives to punishment
Week 8: The Magic of Waiting
Week 9: Meeting the Needs of the Whole Family
I find facilitating these courses hugely rewarding and enjoyable, and many of the groups who’ve done my courses continue to meet up regularly to discuss parenting issues and the books on the reading list. I’ve created a Facebook group so that participants can continue to share ideas, articles and research.
After each session, I send out detailed notes about the topics we cover.
Feedback from parents who’ve attended one of my parenting courses
“Happy Mother’s Day to the woman who gave me the tools to be the mum I wanted to be!”
“I wanted to thank this group for your advice over the past couple of years! I’ve just been watching my 3 year old growing up and all of the sudden doing the things I worried that I needed to take a more ‘direct’ approach to encourage. She started using the potty and toilet, and as I was told here, all I needed to do was wait till she decided she was ready. She has started saying please, thank you and sorry (when applicable) and all I needed to do was model using this language and explain how it made people feel (and again, wait and not harp on about it so much!). She used to be so nervous about engaging in new classes etc when she didn’t know the facilitator - this weekend we went to a birthday party and she was so confident and outgoing with the party entertainer! She has started dressing and undressing herself, and walking and scooting more independently, and she’s just becoming this amazing little human. Anyway, there are lots more challenges to come, and we still have plenty of things we are working on - but I feel like I’m really starting to see how trusting your child to take these steps when they are ready rather than trying to force it to fit someone else’s timeline really does work! “
“I wanted to thank you for your wonderful parenting course. Fridays became the highlight of our week for the duration of the course and we were truly sad when it ended. When I signed up, I never imagined that I’d learn so much, or that it would have such a tremendous impact on me. Becoming a parent made me feel overwhelmed with a huge sense of responsibility. The course has given me greater confidence in the parenting choices I make. It’s also helped me identify some of the things I need to work on and resolve from my own childhood. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and providing such a valuable resource for new parents.”
"I truly loved every minute of the course and all of the reading material - the lessons were all fascinating, applicable, and enriching. Over all I feel the course will help me (and my husband) to be more genuine, loving, and sensitive parents to Chloe as she grows up. In reality I am still mentally digesting all of the information received and all of the points raised during our discussions - mulling over all of the concepts and techniques as I go about my daily neighbourhood walks. I feel the course opened my eyes to many ways in which well-meaning and even well-educated parents in our society have missed the point in some ways. It was so refreshing to hear that being kind with our children is indeed good for them (and for us) and that it is right to follow our instincts and be warm and loving, rather than following the "tough-love" approach that seems so pervasive. I have printed off each of your emails and all of the attachments and embedded articles, and now have a very full file of materials to re-read and refer to - a fabulous resource that I will guard jealously!”
“Now that Jack is a little older, I find I'm constantly thinking about the things we discussed in your parenting course. He's 18 months now and although he hasn't yet said his first word, he understands so much of what we say. I find that any time he starts getting upset, if I just very calmly explain to him why we have to go home now, or why we can't take a particular toy outside, he really listens and although I'm sure he doesn't always fully understand, he seems to accept that there is a reason for our actions and will then happily cooperate. I've really been amazed by his response!”
“I really found the course excellent. The topics we touched upon are so relevant, all of them, and Cordelia has been an excellent facilitator. She is extremely knowledgeable, but what makes her even more special is her true ability to listen to and empathise with mums, and her soothing influence on babies. I believe she is a wonderful mum’s ‘mum’.”
“I really liked learning about baby brain development and things my partner and I can do to allow our boy the best possible opportunities to grow. I really enjoyed coming each week to meet other parents”
“I really valued the chance to learn new skills, and it was good to explore ideas I wouldn’t otherwise have considered.”
"The course has made me a kinder and gentler parent; it reminded me why I wanted to become a mother in the first place. At times, in the daily routine of getting the boys from one place to another, making sure they are fed, bathed and dressed, trying to get through the day without major accidents and traumas, one forgets to enjoy these little human beings for who they are. It all becomes a bit mechanical and strugglesome."
"Since I took your parenting course in 2014, I have often come back to the principles and advice you covered. I've been finding many of them really helpful as my son Josh has turned into a toddler, and I know I am going to use them more and more as his own personality and options become stronger. I especially love the advice in "How to talk so kids will listen…" and have been singing that book's praises to anyone who asks. So I wanted to say thanks for creating the course and for the genuine lasting impact it has had on me as a mum.”
"Thank you so much for all your wisdom on this course. I've absolutely loved it, and I'll miss our great discussions. I think it's no exaggeration to say it will have a huge positive effect on my daughter's childhood, and so quite possibly her whole life. I'm so glad we met you!”
"Cordelia's parenting classes were the highlight of my week. They were incredibly informative, full of useful information that you, as a new parent, may mind blowing! It truly can shape your parenting style. What's more, you meet new mums who end up being your new friends that have so much in common as you. I cannot recommend these classes enough - I loved them!”
“I’m very pleased I did this course. I’m sure I will draw from it for the next 20 or more years.”
“Cordelia was fantastic! She made the course enjoyable, interactive and informative. Her knowledge and research are exceptional. She went out of her way to address individual queries in her own time. I’m sad the course is over. Cannot find any faults! I loved it!”
“I have been constantly thinking about the topics that we have covered during the past 7 weeks.”
“I absolutely loved this course which made me feel very confident about my ability to parent.”